Today, I received permission from “The Hungry Puppy” to use their “Puppy Olympics” title for use in my Children’s Picture Book, Chewie, The Puppy Who Liked to Jump. I thank them very much. I have also have contacted an artist who is going to draw one of my other Puppy books to see if her vision meets my expectation. I certainly hope it does! Still awaiting decision about representation by a Literary Agent. As I love to say, “Hope Springs Eternal.”
In any case, I continue to write Vampire Wars, the follow-up to my Zompire novel, and a new Mystery novel, The Mystery of the Gilded Eagle, staring Jackie Kant, one of the characters from Not Privileged to Know. I’d like one of these novels finished by next June, so I can self-publish it for sale/presentation at FuMPfest 2018 in Chicago, scheduled for Memorial Day Weekend 2018.