This Children’s Book became available today, July 25th in both Paperback and Kindle form. It’s the first of my Children’s books that I had the privilege of working with a professional artist, Paula Negro Tobin, who did all the illustrations. I hope you enjoy my story and Paula’s wonderful illustrations.
Author: Bill Rockwell
Coal for Santa
I have just published my Children’s Picture Book for the Christmas Holiday entitled, Coal For Santa Claus. The story concerns two children who decide to send Santa a piece of coal to keep him warm in the cold winter at the North Pole. Of course, Santa is delighted and gives the children something special in their Christmas stockings.
I began thinking of the story after a fellow Christmas shopper who was overwhelmed with shopping said to me, “I’d like to give Santa a piece of coal.” I immediately commented, “What a great title for a Children’s book. I asked her permission to use the title, and she said, “yes.” Well, this is the result years later.
Although published on December 19, 2020, I won’t “advertise” this book until just before Christmas 2021. However, it is available in my store and on Amazon for those of you who might want a copy before then. Enjoy
What about Riley?
Riley is the Wheaten Terrier Puppy that his “mother” wanted a Children’s Picture Book about. Riley is a very lovable puppy. So, I took the mother’s advice and added Riley to my Children’s Book by illustrating and adding text to the story.
To Order Riley Paperback:
Blog July 13, 2020
No one has contacted me with a Literary Agent lead, except for one author who had to blow through 5 agents before getting one to suit her. Hopefully, that won’t happen to me. I should be able to finish my final edit today (after my 3 editors’ corrections), and then, I’ll submit an exclusive to an agent in Connecticut. Keep your fingers crossed.
My next project will be another Mid-Grade Horror (Vampire) story because my granddaughter has asked to be in one of my novels. Hope she likes it.
Another rejection just came in (7/17). I think I know what’s wrong (and what’s right) with my writing. I’m going to fix the Zompire novel I’m now working on to improve it. Don’t know whether I’ll try another agent, or self-publish. Will keep you appraised. I also withdrew my short story, Fetch, from the Mysterion competition, “fixed” it, and resubmitted it. Shouldn’t hear for another 3 months from now. I sincerely want to try my new writing idea on a new mystery. My new mid-grade novel (YA really) novel may have to wait. I’ll keep you readers informed.
Current Novel
I have spent Quarantining writing my next Zompire novel and Children’s Picture Books. Zompire, Vampire War should be completed soon. It’s in the editing and final approval stage by my editors…and me. My next book is planned (and started already) to be the second in my Quinta, vampire YA book. I have to write this, as my Granddaughter has asked to be in the next Quinta novel (She refused my invitation to be in the first, The Mystical Wand Of Quinta. After reading it, she’s insistent I put her into it! So be it.) After that, I plan to write the third in my “Know” series, entitled In The Know that so many of you have been asking for.
Since I’ve written seven adult novels so far, (and three Children’s Picture Books), I’m now going to try to get a legitimate publisher to look at my adult work, and maybe take me on. Failing this, I may try a Literary Agent, although I have some reservations about this, since friends have had problems with such agents, and have worked through four or five. Any one of my readers who may know someone who may be able to help me get to readers across the country (rather than only locally and at various conventions where many of us have met) and worldwide, please email me:
Books During Quarantine
I have been working on my latest Zompire novel, Zompire, Vampire Wars. The vampires try to capture Damon and Gabby to use their blood to make a vaccine. This vaccine would allow the vampires of the world to use the Human Race as willing blood donors for the vampires’ food. The Zompires swear to prevent this and vow to destroy every vampire.
I’m also working on my fourth Children’s Picture Book, What About Riley?, writing the text again, and drawing the puppy pictures.
I’m looking for an agent for both books, if anyone knows of one that might be interested:
Third Children’s Picture Book
My first two Children’s Picture Books are available in both English and Spanish for purchase. My third, Maggie, The Puppy Who Loves To Chew Everything, is now available in English, and soon will be translated into Spanish.
In addition, I have finished my second Horror Vampire novel, Zompire, Vampire War. It is my second Zompire novel, and continues the story of Damon and Gabriella Drake as they hunt down the remaining vampires in Connecticut. It sits with my editors and soon will be available at my store.
Spanish Translation: My Children’s Book, George, The Puppy Who Refused to go for a Walk, is now being translated into Spanish. As soon as it’s available, I’ll post here and Facebook. YEAH!!!
The Mystery of the Gilded Eagle
April 28th: My first “Cozy” mystery is now available in my store, or directly from either as paperback, or Kindle. It stars Jackie Kant from my “Know/Privileged” series in her first mystery on her own…well, she pairs with a Physician in her investigation. An easy to read novel. I truly hope you enjoy her adventure.
First Cozy Mystery:
I have just completed my first cozy mystery, The Mystery of the Gilded Eagle. It has none of the murders of my other mysteries. It concerns only the theft of a golden eagle statue.